Friday, November 5, 2010

Skeletons Chase Uribe

Soon to Testify.
The other day as he was leaving an event at Georgetown University, where he teaches a course, someone threw something at Colombian ex-Pres. Alvaro Uribe.

Doubtlessly to the relief of Uribe and his bodyguards, the object wasn't a bomb or a rock, but rather a piece of paper. Still, the document means trouble, because Uribe was being subpoenaed for a trial in which coal mining giant Drummond is accused of collaborating with paramilitary groups, which are notorious for murdering unionists and leftists across Colombia.

Uribe isn't accused of anything himself. But he's got to be looking over his shoulder these days, and this subpoena will make him more cautious about future travel plans, just as many ex-officials of the last Bush administration must be. Throughout his political career, after all, Uribe was dogged by suggestions that he and his family were linked to the far-right paramilitaries, who committed some of the most horrific human rights violations in Colombia's history.

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

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