Tuesday, June 21, 2011

World Skateboarding Day

Skateboarders leap off of the Plaza de Lourdes.
Believe it or not, there is a World Skateboarding Day, and it was today - as just about everybody in central Bogotá must have noticed. Kids on boards cruised the city's plazas, parks and even Plaza Bolívar.

Bogotá's got a pretty big skateboarding culture - you see them jumping on plazas and in parks all the time. But I never imagined there were so many of them.

Skateboarders militancy on Plaza Bolívar.
Here they come! Down Seventh Ave. 
Just like the Beatles - with boards instead of guitars. 
Here we are!
Skateboading is not a crime - but often skaters are treated like criminals. Here, anti-drug warriors search some for pot on the Plaza del Chorro de Quevedo. 

Related Post: Skater Power!

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

1 comment:

  1. Hola Mike,

    This is not so much a comment but a request for you to contact me. I am Julie R Butler, editor for expatdailynews.com and expatdailynewslatinamerica.com. I think your blog is outstanding, and have included you on the blogroll of the Latin America site. I’m using a Blogger gadget that lists the name of your blog and the title of the latest post, includes an image (sometimes), and places your blog at the top of the list each time you post, so those blogs that stay current and post regularly benefit most. I hope that this generates some traffic to your blog.

    I also wrote an article that was posted on Tuesday, 14 June, to introduce readers to what I consider to be some of the best Expat blogs in Latin America.

    I would like to know if you would be interested in exchanging content with our websites. This would benefit both of us as we would each get a link back to our sites. Email me at julie@expatdailynews.com if you want more information or to register your interest.

