Monday, January 23, 2012

Aggressive Graffiti

Zero bullfighting. 

This afternoon, these guys were painting this anti-bullfighting mural - right across the street from the entrance to Bogotá's La Plaza de Toros, its bullfighting stadium. 

The mural won't likely last long - "They'll erase it soon," a stadium security guard predicted to me.

So the aficionados won't likely see the mural when they arrive for next Sunday's bullfights.

Anti-bullfighting activists got a boost recently when Bogotá's new Mayor Gustavo Petro said the city should consider banning the sport.

Related blog post: No More Olé!

Toxicomano's Massive Mural

The completed anti-bullfighting mural. How long will it last?
It lasted less than a week. It was painted over before the next Sunday's bullfight.
Satire? 'Bullfighting is art and graffiti is vandalism.' 

This great piece of street art celebrating student protests....
 ................was replaced by these ugly scrawls below!
Several months ago, ´protesting public university students painted a mural here on Carrera 4 denouncing, among other things, proposed reforms of the public universities (which died) and the U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement (which was approved last year). On the same block, coincidentally, is the HQ of the National Retailers' Federation (FENALCO), which backed the FTA. Unsurprisingly, the mural was painted over.

These lesbian stencils appeared on La Candelaria walls in recent weeks. I've seen quite a few female couples holding hands in the neighborhood recently, and they seem perfectly comfortable.

'Femininity and masculinity: Two poles of massive indoctrination.'

'Ruining your tranquility will be our best orgasm.'

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours, which does Graffiti Tours.

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