Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Scenes Along La Ciclovia

A girl and her dog on La Ciclovia. 
Bogotá's world-famous Ciclovia, during which hundreds of kilometers of streets are shut to cars every Sunday and holiday, has enjoyed sunny weather during the past several weeks. The Ciclovia is a celebration of cycling and other sports, but it's also many more things, including the world's longest street party, a place to see and be seen, a vendors' paradise and a place for art and politics. 

And it's not just for cyclists. La Ciclovia's also for walkers, skaters, wheelchair users and joggers. 
Celebrating La Ciclovia. 

Enough! On Seventh Ave. across from the Plaza de Toros, anti-bullfighting activists have hung signs condemning the practice. 

This guy found a new load for his cargo bike - his two kids. 

Not all Ciclovia users are casual cyclists, as these competitive types show. 

TransMilenio construction work is going on along much of Seventh Ave. in central Bogotá. The work is way behind schedule. 

This woman pedaled a vending cycle. 

Disabled racing tricyclists. 

This kid was driving a loud, gasoline-powered scooter - which should be prohibited on La Ciclovia. 

A girl steps off of her scooter to look at the Presidential Palace. 
Guinea pigs line up to race near San Francisco Church. 

Hockey on skates in the National Park. 

Kids on new bikes. 

Lorenzo the vicuña in Plaza San Victorino. 

Crossing Seventh Ave.'s bridge over 26th St. The bridge is to be demolished and replaced. Where will La Ciclovia go?

Orlando, a regular on La Ciclovia, celebrates Cuba's revolution and denounces the Colombian and U.S. governments. 

La Ciclovia is also a huge sales floor. Here, a man selling plums from a cart. 

It's also a political platform. Someone set up this photo display about human rights issues. 

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

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