Friday, February 17, 2012

Campesino Market in Plaza Bolivar

Every few months, they organize a Mercado Campesino, or a Peasant Farmers' Market, in Bogotá's Plaza Bolívar. It's nice to see peasants for once take over the epicenter of Colombian political power. 

The campesino markets, which are sponsored by Oxfam and other organizations, are intended to enable the peasants to sell their products to consumers without the costs or complications of intermediaries. 

Buy my bananas.

A campesina. 

This woman sold traditional grains, such as quinua and amarantha. 

Try some chicha!

A chiva bus, common in the countryside. 

Donut man. 

Eating lunch. 

This man was selling colored pencils. 

Have some cocoanut milk. 

A man sits in front of the cathedral. 

Want a shoeshine?
By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

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