Thursday, May 17, 2012

Circus, Circus in the National University

Scenes from today's circus performances on the National University's Bogotá campus. The performances continue tomorrow afternoon. 

The National University, known as La Nacho, is better known for colorful political graffiti and leftist demonstrations than art. But the university has several museums and theatres, and often hosts cultural events. 

El Poderosisimo performs.

You can contact El Poderosisimo at 320-202-0040 or 313-331-8955

Media Maquina performs. 

A pink elephant - one of the university's many colorful grafittis. 

Poseidon or a mermaid? A surprising sculpture in front of the arts building. 

Collecting tips. 

A collection of colorful bicycles. 

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

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