Thursday, May 3, 2012

Jazz in the Jorge Eliecer Gaitan Theatre

The jazz fusion trio. 
The legendary Teatro Gaitan on Seventh Ave. hosted an informal jazz concert this afternoon, as part of the city government's 'Bogotá Humana' campaign.

The very grand art deco theatre is named after populist politician Jorge Eliecer Gaitan, whose 1948 assassination triggered the Bogotazo riots, which destroyed much of the city. Gaitan made some of his demagogic speeches in the 70-year-old theatre.

It's a pleasant place right now, thanks to the city's pedestrianization of five blocks of Ave. Septima during the replacement of the bridge over 26th St. Unfortunately, this peace won't last. A sign at the construction street counts down the days until the new bridge is supposed to be finished and Seventh returns to its normal condition of noise, chaos and pollution.

The theatre plans a series of Sunday events for children over the next month. 

The theatre's front - quiet and car-free for a while yet. 

The lobby doors make a nice pattern. 

Gaitan's bust in the theatre. 

The theatre has a nice art-deco style, both inside and out. 

They've also used the theatre's entrance hallway for photo exhibits, this one about the teaching of arts to children.

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

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