Sunday, May 6, 2012

Jipiyam Jumps, Rocks and Swings!

On Sunday bike tours we usually see young musicians practicing in the area between Bogotá's bullfighting stadium, planetarium and Parque de la Independencia. I know nothing about music, but do know that this group is full of energy, spirit and just lots of fun to watch. They call themselves Jipiyam.

Really wonderful stuff!

 They're collecting money to travel to France for a cultural festival in August, and told me they're close to the goal. See and hear them in the videos below, and also here and hereand read about them here.

Just in case you feel like sending them a contribution, you'll also find their contacts.

Blow me away!

You can't take this music laying down!

'Help us' (to get to France).

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours


  1. Thanks Mike for your support!!!!!ATT. Dani Jipiyam.

  2. Thank you Jipiyam for your performances.

    Hope that you make it to France!
