Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Day Mayhem

Union banners hang on the front of Congress on Plaza Bolivar. 
May 1 is traditionally the day for huge leftist protests, and today was no exception. The protesters marched down Ave. Septima to Plaza Bolivar, spray painting and paint bombing all the way. Later, the situation devolved into violence, complete with tear gas bombs from the big, black anti-riot tanks.

I saw lots of communist flags and Che Guevara portraits. Perhaps communism was a beautiful dream before Stalin, Cuba and North Korea showed a different reality. And, good or bad, Colombia is not likely to turn communist, particularly because of a loud march.

If only these spirited young people would find a concrete way to immprove their world, instead of grasping for dream that's never going to happen.

On May Day, we also witnessed extremist 'urban tribes' battling in the Teusaquillo neighborhood.
Robocops watch the protesters pass San Francisco Church. 
Capitalism at work: A man works the crowd to sell Voz, the communist newspaper. 

Look closely: these robocops are women. 

And so is this one. 

An anti-riot tank ready for battle, with tear gas and water cannons ready. 

The CUT: Central Unitaria de Trabajadores. 

After the protesters passed, a communist flag hangs on Seventh Ave. 

Costumed protesters walked toward downtown. 

Even the police horses wore armor. 

'A beautiful woman is one who wears a hood.'

Written on Plaza Bolivar: 'Obama is not my boss.'
Primero de Mayo, on the Avianca building. 

After the demonstrators passed by, McDonald's looked more colorful....

....and so did the police shields. 

Police motorcycles race thru La Candelaria.

In the afternoon, a man sweeps paper off of the newly-paint bombed steps of the cathedral on Plaza Bolivar. 

A man sits on Plaza Bolivar with a Guy Fawkes mask. 

After the protest, this peace activist was back on his spot in Plaza Bolivar. 

To wrap up the day, a Cuban-Colombian after party. 

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

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