Tuesday, May 15, 2012

True Street Art on La Septima

Drawing a giant Iguana on Seventh Ave. (and it's not EcoPetrol's symbol).

This arts collective worked on Ave. Septima today - the car-free section - to create some ephimeral chalk art. The group has done their work all over the city, they said. But you wouldn't know it, since it's all here today, gone tomorrow.

That's a martian in formation which the psssers-by are observing.

The martian, stage one. 
The martian, nearly complete. 
The group's slogan, 'Resistiza,' is a play on words combining 'resistance' and 'chalk.' The group may resist social norms, but the chalks doesn't resist rain and footsteps.
Don't blink, or you'll miss 'em. The group had drawn a crocodile here early today. The riot-police were stationed to defend against anti-Free Trade Agreement protesters who passed by earlir in the day. Their steps didn't do the images any favors. 
Check them out at tizaalpiso.blogspot.com
Is that a naked woman I see on Seventh Ave.?

The bicycle they rode in on.

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours, which offers graffiti, or street art, bike tours.

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