Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Where is Carolina?

In search of Carolina.
Students from the Universidad Distrital marched thru downtown this morning and carried out this theatrical protest to call attention to the disappearance of a classmate and leftist leader, who disappeared in Quito, Ecuador late last month.

Crying out 'Where are you Carolina?'
The demonstrators cried out 'Carolina where are you?' and called for the Colombian and Ecuadorean governments to redouble efforts to locate Carolina Garzon. Garzon reportedly told friends she was going to the museum, but never returned. She left her wallet and other belongings in her apartment.

Garzon's disappearance could conceivably have an innocent explanation, such as an an escape with a secret lover, altho a tragic or criminal explanation for the disappearance of a young woman seems much more likely. The fact that Garzon was an activist with leftist student organizations creates other sinister motives to want to harm her.

In any case, wherever she is, Garzon can hopefully find a little bit of comfort in the fact that she has many friends working for her.
For more information about Carolina Garzon's case, or to provide any tips or other information about Carolina, visit this page or this one.

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

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