Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Nailing the Reform's Coffin

'Justice Yes, Reform No,' says this banner hanging on the Justice Palace on Plaza Bolivar. 
A small crowd of demonstrators turned out on Plaza Bolivar this afternoon in protest against a a justice system reform law passed by Congress last week. The law was already controversial, and was approved in a rapid and strange congressional manuever. Several officials claimed that changes had been incorporated behind their backs.

Critics say the new law would permit impunity for some human rights violators. The law generated an impressive protest mobilization - I've seen people collecting signatures on streets and in neighborhood stores. Now, even President Santos has vowed to trash the new law. 

'Alvaro Uribe...killed my son,' says this sign on Plaza Bolivar, 'and with the reform he'd have impunity.' 

Collecting signatures to reverse the legal reform on Seventh Ave. in front of the Justice Palace.

Speaking against the reform. I'm not sure what the bananas represent.

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

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