Saturday, August 4, 2012

What To Think

'What you must think.' These posters have appeared on walls around La Candelaria and other parts of Bogotá.

El Parqueadero, an underground section of the Museo de Arte complex in La Candelaria, held a bunch of exhibitions this evening about what you should think, more or less.

These posters, by an arts group, satirize the recently-introduced section titles in El Tiempo, Colombia's leading newspaper: 'Debes Leer,' 'Debes Saber,' 'Debes Hacer,' etc. Certainly pretty self-assuming - but do they reflect or lead to a general lack of thinking for ones-self?

On the other hand, can public exhibits, like this one by an arts group called Acciones Directas, really prompt people to think for themselves? I haven't seen many signs of it.

But most of the other exhibits had even less of a concrete message.

Brushing classes. 

Dining as performance. 

Gaitan looks back from 1,000 peso bill.

Bad portraits for 1,000 pesos. 

'Dream, Dance, Eat' - Maybe that's life. 
This exhibit's message was much clearer. 

As is this one, critical of genetically modified organisms. But if you really think about it, millions of us have grown up eating GMOs, with no apparent ill effects. 

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours


  1. It should be:

    Don't watch tv

    Don't follow any sports

    Don't give a crap for fashion

    Perhaps by following these principles we can finally think and, I'm not just talking about Colombia, but the whole world Mike.

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