Saturday, September 8, 2012

Photographing the Fotomaratóners

On Plaza Bolivar, these amateur photographers shot our bike tour.

Today, La Candelaria swarmed with people in blue jackets and armed with cameras snapping photos of just about everything.

They were participating in the Fotomuseo's annual Fotomaratón, in which participants have a weekend to take the most original and memorable photos they can in various categories. However, those who invaded La Candelaria en masse weren't likely to find much that was either original or unique. At least two dozen of them, I'd guess, snapped our bike tour.

Here are my own snapshots of Bogotá life.

On la Plaza del Chorro, the bike tour was the center of attention. 

Several photographers wait on Ave. Septima's new bridge over 26th St. 

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I just started following your blog. I like it. Thanks.
