Friday, November 30, 2012

Bogotá's Parks, Plazas and Avenues Light up for Christmas

A crowd packs Ave. Septima by Jimenez under the Christmas lights. 

Bogotá's Christmas lights went on today in its parks, plazas and avenues, and the streets filled with gawkers and gazers.

Iglesia la Tercera. 

Iglesia San Francisco.

Leon de Greiff Park in northern Bogotá.

A lighted tree in Leon de Greiff Park. 

The entrance to the Parque Nacional in Bogotá.
The Parque Nacional's central plaza. 
In Bogotá's Parque de la Independencia. 

Lighted arcs in Parque de la Independencia. 

Stiltwalking under the lights on Ave. Septima.

Walking in La Zona T. 

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

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