Monday, March 25, 2013

Rebirth of the Union Patriotica?

A mural on Calle 26 across from the Central Cemetery commemorates the victims of the genocide against the Union Patriotica Party.
The Union Patriotica, a far-left political party which was decimated by assassinations during the late 1980s
and early '90s, may soon return to Colombian politics.

In its first appearance, the UP was widely believed to be linked to the FARC guerrillas, but whether it was a FARC creation or just sympathized with the guerrillas' Marxist rhetoric is still disputed. Some observers also say that, whatever its origin, the UP later became more independent of the guerrillas.

For some, the UP was the guerrillas' tentative effort to integrate itself into Colombia's political system.

The possibility of peace for Colombia, however, turned into tragedy when thousands of the party's members were murdered in what is comemorated as the 'Genocide of the Union Patriotica.'

A cartoon in El Tiempo shows a FARC guerrilla 'unburying' the Union Patriotica Party.
Now, the UP's supporters - or its survivors - want to rescuscitate the party. Interestingly, the initiative coincides with peace negotiations between the FARC guerrillas and the Colombian government, being held in Havana. Could the possibility of UP's return mean the guerrillas are arranging the scene for their political participation?

If nothing else, the news seems like a positive sign for peace in Colombia - and maybe for Colombian politics, as well.

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours