Thursday, March 7, 2013

Women in Painting from Colsubsidio

Today, March 8, is International Women's Day, part of Women's Month. So I visited a new museum for me, the Colsubsidio Museum of Art and Culture in the elegant La Merced neighborhood just south of the Parque Nacional. Until March 31 it's got an exhibition of art portraying women. The artworks are all reproductions, but I can't tell the difference. And, since they're reproductions, you can get close to and even touch them, and don't have security guards glaring at you.

I suspect the exhibition would disappoint some feminists, tho, as most of the works are by men and many are nudes and even downright erotic. Others are cheery, haunting, somber. For a quick tour of great art, the museum's worth a visit, before or after a stroll thru the park. It's open every day but Sunday until 6 p.m.

I also finally learned what Colsubsidio is. It's a fund paid into by a payroll tax on companies and finances things like subsidized products and recreation for the the workers. The taxes also pay for this museum, so it's a good thing these paintings are only reproductions (altho Colsubsidio does also own some original works).

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

1 comment:

  1. Com on Miguel.
    Except for Oswald, all your followers are young and educated. Can you go for contemporary art, this is so boring.
