Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Leapin' for Street Art

Despite his hard life, this recycler seemed to jump for joy as he passed a street mural in Los Martires, near the Central Cemetery. Perhaps he's an art fan, or just bored, or drunk.

The mural, painted recently by the Ink Crew Graffiti Colectivo. I'm not sure what it represents. However, hippos have played an absurd role in Colombia's story. Cocaine king Pablo Escobar imported three of them from Africa in 1985. Today, some 25 hippos live on his old Hacienda Napoles outside of Medellin - where you can watch them getting fed.

But Escobar's hippos have become a problem, since they're an exotic species and quite dangerous in the water. They've talked about sterilizing them, but I'm told that's easier said than done.

Was this man reflecting on this during his leaping pass by this piece of street art?

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours, which offers graffiti tours

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