Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Day Marchers

A street vendor hawking whistles becomes an impromptu protester.
The annual May Day parade was loud and raucous, despite a drizzly day. Around the Plaza Bolivar and La Candelaria, protesters and police clashed with rocks, tear gas and rubber bullets. Media reported 92 arrests and 12 people injured.
The demonstrators - all leftists, naturally - celebrated Bogotá mayor Gustavo Petro and denounced AG Alejandro Ordoñez, an arch-conservative.

Post-march, police pelted by paint bombs, stand by a bank on Carrera Septima. It wasn't an easy day, they said.
Many buildings were protected with plastic tarps. 

At the end of the march, under a drizzling rain, riot police rounded up marchers and herded themm towards Plaza Bolivar using tear gas and perhaps rubber bullets. 

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours


  1. I see the little fascists parading images of Hitler. Pathetic fools. Get the soap cannons out. This is a real sign that Colombia is so far behind as a civilised society. These people must be shown up and made to see the errors of what they are preaching. It's the only way to deal with such outdated and failed ideologies. Such vicious and nasty people.

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  5. Hi Stuart and Mauricio - This is not the place for obscenities and personal insults.

    It doesn't do either of you any credit.


  6. So sorry Mike, I know that you are tired of my apologist I do not blame you if you are upset. I send a message to Stuart in which I recognized I was very rude. But I love my country and my people, as much as I love thous that believe in something, in social and political causes. This man has the most hateful disposition, his words are always so full of anger and with the idea of humiliating them. It has being like that for so long. It surprised me that when he does this, you almost never make a comment against his insults and words. In more than one occasion, I have seen other people in your blog protesting for this guy's terrible attitude.

  7. Honestly Mike, how can you, after reading what he wrote, using words like: PATHETIC FOOLS. GET THE SOAP CANNONs OUT. Not to mention so many other comments in which he gets even more nasty. You have nothing to say??? Or is that I have to believe that you agree with this man??? Or when he called the university students SCUM...How com you as the outer of the blog do not have something to say??? At least to say DO NOT USE THOUS WORDS, RESPECT THIS PEOPLE...or something, com on!!!! Sorry, but you should have a say in the way this guy enjoys and, loves to denigrate other people.

  8. Hi Mauricio,

    you can disagree with Stuart while still remaining civil and making real arguments.

    Tell him that he shouldn't disrespect Colombia, or whatever, but don't just use insults.


  9. How come I am the only one telling this person that what he writes is awful? You should have a say. Sorry, but you are living in Bogota, and by now I believe you have a knowledge of how people are in Colombia, that calling young students SCUM is a total insult to them...again, do I have to believe that you agree with this man???? Do you also see these people as scum, which is what makes you silent? Sorry, but you are way too passive in this aspect.
