Friday, June 21, 2013

Scenes from World Skateboarding Day in Bogotá

Skateboard power on Plaza Bolívar.

Today skateboarders celebrated their annual World Skateboarders Day with a show of power in numbers. They gathered on Plaza Bolívar and skated north to the the Parque Nacional, filling Ave. Septima with an estimated 5,000 'boarders, stopping other traffic. A skateboarders' Critical Mass - something bicyclists have never accomplished here.

Raise that skateboard high!

Rolling downhill in the Parque Nacional.

Cruising north on Ave. Septima.

Skateboard power!

A skateboard family.

Observers on the sidewalk. Notice the tie vendor taking pictures.

Leaping for it in the Parque Nacional.

Skateboard anarchist.

Super cool skateboarders.

Only a small minority of boarders are female, but this girl was going for it on the downhill in the Parque Nacional in Bogotá.

Go Skate Day.

Skateboard love.

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours


  1. so it was Skateboard Day! i was wondering why there were so many teenagers out with their boards.. xx

  2. Everybody deserves to have their own day, even skateboarders.

