Monday, July 29, 2013

Mass for the Virgen de Carmen

Father Eduardo, of the nearby Egipto Church, performs mass in honor of the Virgen delCarmen, protector of drivers. 
This Sunday was the day of the Virgen del Carmen, protector of drivers. Since rhe Mercado de Egipto is a waiting spot for cargo trucks, it was an appropriate place for a mass honoring the virgin. 

Father Eduardo with holy water and wine.

Sprinkling believers with holy water. 
The neighborihoods surrounding the market are very poor and troubled by violence.

A hilltop cross in the hills behind the market. 
Local residents wait to be blessed below statues of the Virgin.
Believers hold out their hands during mass. 

Father Eduardo blesses an aged truck parked before the market. (Can he also make it stop polluting?)

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

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