Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Downtown Bogotá's Nowhere Plans

'A project with value.' This area between the San Victorino retail area and Parque Tercer Milenio is supposed to be turned into an 'international wholesale center.' Years after the existing buildings were demolished, we're still waiting. 

As owners of small businesses near the Palacio de Nariño protest plans to force them move out to make way for government ministries, it's worth taking a look at other government renovation plans for parts of the city center which have gone absolutely nowhere.
'Coming soon!' says the sign. But exactly what,and when?

These include a supposed wholesale commercial center near San Victorino - which, years after the signs went up is still an empty lot. And the old Cundinamarca Provincial government building on Jimenez Ave, which has sat vacant for years. And the property on Jimenez Ave. which was first supposed to be the site of a Spanish-Colombian cultural center, until Spain's economy sank and it yanked funding. The city of Bogotá now has plans to build housing and other stuff on the property. But, years after the existing buildings were demolished, it's still - you guessed it - an empty lot.

Would they do any better with the sector

'International center of wholesale commerce.' Except that it's a parking lot. 

The old Cundinamarca government building on Jimenez Ave. has sat vacant for years. Last I heard it was supposed to be turned into an arts center. We're still waiting.
'The center of Bogotá is being renovated here.' This valuable property on Jimenez Ave. near Los Andes University was supposed to become a Spanish-Colombian Cultural Center - until Spain's economy collapsed. Now, the city has plans to build housing and other things here. But, so far, it's just an empty lot.
For years, someone's planned a shopping center for this empty lot on Carrera Septima and Calle 19. It's a sad scene, but the city could find much better uses for the area, such as a park and mass transit center. 

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

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