Saturday, September 7, 2013

Soldiers for Peace

A soldier lights a candle for peace. 
This evening, a group of  residents of Chapinero organized this candle lighting ceremony on the Plaza de Lourdes, in Chapinero. One told me that the candles, which spelled out 'PAZ', were a protest against violence during recent marches and demonstrations in support of farmers protesting low prices for their products. Some of the protests in Bogotá turned violent, in great part because of hooded rioters called encapuchados.

Such a perspective on recent events is perhaps not surprising for residents of middle class Chapinero. Others would probably find the violence in deeper, root causes, such as economic exploitation of farmers.

I was struck by the participation of soldiers in the ceremony. But I probably should not have been. After all, they suffer most from Colombia's violent armed conflict. On the other hand, tho, peace would deprive them of work.

The candles on Plaza Lourdes spelled PAZ - PEACE.

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

1 comment:

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    Cra 34 # 8a - 24, Second Floor, El Poblado
