Sunday, October 6, 2013

Are Animals People Too?

'Break the chains of animal slavery.' I thot that by definition 'slavery' referred to people. 
Animal rights activists, some quite radical, staged yet another march today from La Plaza de Toros to Plaza Bolivar. Activists deserve our admiration for caring and getting off of their butts and speaking out. attention's always grabbed by the way these people generally attack bullfighting - even tho Bogotá's mayor has banned it here - while ignoring much greater cruelties such as cockfighting and factory farming, which continue virtually without criticism. 

Some of the marchers also called for 'animal equality' - yet, I saw only people walking leashed dogs, but not the reverse. While we're on the subject, how can I make myself equal to my goldfish?
Marching for animal equality - but they don't say equal to whom.

A bloody bull.

A bull's head rides above the crowd.

People walk their dogs on leashes. But, if animals are equal to people, shouldn't the dogs be walking the humans?

'Free the captain.' Does this refer to the Greenpeace activists arrested the other day by Russia?

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

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