Monday, October 28, 2013

Protesting Against Drips

Pedestrians watch from a bridge as university students block traffic. 

The always-active students of Bogotá's Universidad Nacional, known as La Nacho, turned their anger against drips today. Chanting 'No Más Goteros', or 'No More Drips', they marched onto the avenue beside campus and blocked traffic. Students and others have long complained that the university's buildings are delapidated and needing repair.

Yesterday, in fact, the law school's roof collapsed in the rain, prompting students to hold 'class' on the sidewalk in front of Ministry of Education.

Holding back a sea of cars.

The students periodically let traffic pass. 
A truck passed by trailing a cloud of smoky emissions.But nobody protests against air pollution....
A student informs drivers about why they're stopped. His sign says 'Budget deficit. The law school lacks a roof.'
A graffiti on campus says 'A structural failure which won't go away.'

Traffic congesetion on the same avenue recently on a day when there was no protest. Notice any difference?

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

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