Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Return of the Union Patriotica

Union Patriotica Party supporters march down Ave. Septima yesterday.
The mass murder of the far-left Union Patriotica political party by right-wing forces apparently linked to the government is one of the great tragedies of Colombian history. But, recently, U.P. supporters reconstituted the party, which could be platform for the FARC guerrilla to enter politics if the ongoing peace talks in Havana produce a treaty. (Many Colombians believe that the guerrillas, who have committed innumerable human rights violations, belong in prison rather than Congress.) The original U.P. was associated with the FARC, altho whether it was the guerrillas' creation or just shared values isn't clear.

Yesterday, U.P. supporters held a commemoration march for the 'Genocide of the Union Patriotica' on the anniversary of one of the most infamous assassinations of a party member, the 1987 shooting outside of Bogotá of U.P. presidential candidate Jaime Pardo Garzon.

Sadly, soon after the U.P.'s reconstitution, its supporters started fighting amongst themselves over who controls the reborn party.

The woman in white, whose named I don't know, helped to legally reconstitute the Union Patriotica Party.

Police line the march route. 

The tomb of Union Patriotica presidential candidate Jaime Pardo Leal, in Bogotá's Central Cemetery.

The march about genocide included a strange theme with this scantily-clad dancer.
A mural on 26th St. across from the Central Cemetery commemorates the Union Patriotica genocide with its 3,000-plus killings. 

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

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