Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Crisis in La Candelaria!

About 3 p.m. Wednesday a loud boom sounded across La Candelaria and lights went off and radios, televisions and computers went dark and silent.

Part of the La Concordia transformer plant had exploded and was streaming smoke into the air.

It could take several days to get the lights back on, altho my street, amazingly and for reasons unknown, does have light (which is why I'm able to write this).

Smoke streams out of the transformer plant, located two blocks above La Plaza del Chorro. 

People stream downhill, protecting themselves from the smoke. 
Cover your mouth however you can.

Smoke against Bogotá's Eastern Hills.
Police told me that the problem started when workman in the house at the end of this street caused a short, which blew a transformer in the plant. The two men suffered moderate burns. Codensa workers will now have to dig up and replace the cables between the house and the plant, whcih could take days. 

 By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

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