Monday, January 13, 2014

The Trouble With Tagging

This Afro face behind the central cemetery incorporated the door's handles into the woman's nose. Kids and tourists did handstands on it. No more. 
Graffit and street art are one thing, tagging another. These handsome central Bogotá street art works have been vandalized in recent months by taggers - a great loss for Bogotanos.

This alley off of Calle 13 had a number of impressive pieces of street art, including one portraying Pres. Santos as more of a devil. A few weeks ago, someone marking their territory ruined the piece. 
The city government commissioned a series of murals, including this one criticizing the mining industry, along Calle 26. Sho Juan, whoever he is, thot he'd mess up the mural with his name. 
Tagging on a wall near the Museum of Modern Art.
This face was chiseled into a wall behind the Paloquemao Market by a Portuguese street artist named Vihls. An impressive work - until someone scrawled all over it. 

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours


  1. Unfortunately any kind of graffiti is a highly visible sign of urban decay, sending a message of lawlessness and a neighborhood unconcerned about its appearance. It instills fear and a feeling of vulnerability.

  2. Hi MacD,

    Thanks for your comment, but I disagree, at least when it comes to street art (as opposed to tagging/graffiti). Street art can really brighten up a neighborhood, and make it look more active, inhabited, cared for...etc.

