Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Match in Egipto

I happened to be in the hardscrabble Egipto neighborhood above La Candelaria this afternoon when Colombia won its match against Uruguay. The celebration was loud and predictable. 

Sport is fun, but I'm getting a bit tired of this obsession over which set of millionaires can kick a ball more times between some goalposts. After all, there just might be some more important things going on in the world...

The Egipto neighborhood, for example, high rates of violence, poverty and malnutrition. But that's all forgotten today.
In Egipto's traditional fruit and vegetable market, the vendors are glued to a TV set.
In an informal restaurant set up on a sidewalk, patrons celebrate Colombia's victory.
Young men wave flags on an Egipto street by La Circunvular.
This park off of La Circunvular was pretty desolate, except for a few kids skateboarding.

Waving the flag.
By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

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