Saturday, June 14, 2014

What's a Victory Good For?

Workers go crazy in Paloquemao market as Colombia scores its second goal. I'm afraid I suffered permanent hearing loss.
A few scenes of celebration - and futbol paraphernalia - in central Bogotá today during and after the Colombia-Greece football game, which Colombia one overwhelmingly.

Today, they're celebrating. Tomorrow, they'll wake up to a country that still has a civil war, lots of poverty, hunger and other troubles. Hopefully, the presidential election will get as much attention as this match did.

Dancing away outside the Universidad Nacional.
Employees of Paloquemao Market.

They're not subtle.

Celebrators from a nearby 'Canadian' language academy cross an overpass above Carrera 45 near the Universidad Nacional.
The academy celebrators near the Universidad Nacional cheer Colombia's victory. However, the sign they're carrying is about emigration to Canada. 
The mural on the Universidad Nacional campus says 'Rebel Football, dignified and popular.'

The girls and the puppy are all dressed in the Colombian uniform.

Selling pirated jerseys on San Victorino Plaza.

Workers in Paloquemao Market watch the big screen. If not for that screen, would they have come to work?

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

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