Thursday, October 16, 2014

Wilson Díaz's Acerbic Eye on Colombia

Girl gunners.
The city-owned Santa Fe Gallery, recently relocated to La Candelaria, is holding a retrospective exhibition of work by Colombian artist Wilson Díaz, born in 1962. His work includes both plays off of pop art and reworkings of iconic images from Colombia's recent violent history, including gunmen (and gunwomen), child soldiers and paramilitary fighters.

Child fighters.
Guns or guitars? 

Seed smuggler - 'Swallow coca seeds, board a plane, fly overseas, defecate and plant the seeds.' I've never understood why this doesn't happen, and coca leaf isn't cultivated in Africa, Asia, etc.
A load of death.

A banana slips up.

AUC - Paramilitary fighters.

What kind of leaves are these?


By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

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