Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Scenes from Bogotá's Bike Week

A rider on a trick bike at Jorge Tadeo University.
Crazy wheels and idealism, but not so much practical mobility: Last week Bogotá held its seventh-annual Bicycle Week, when cycling and its advantages are supposed to receive lots of attention. Unfortunately, perhaps, the week focused more on cycling's eccentricities than its potential for moving people cleanly, healthfully and sustainably.

To his credit, Mayor Petro has supported cycling, with both media events (worth little) and some concrete advances, such as several new bike lanes, the IDRD's bike lending program on Carrera Septima, the Universidad Nacional and Virrey Park. However, plans for a city-wide public bikes program are stalled. And Petro has done little to address systemic problems, such as pollution, traffic congestion and chaotic streets, which can make cycling unpleasant and even dangerous.

More photos and details on my Bogotá bike blog.

César Salamanga, founder of Pazicleta, which provides bicycles to poor rural children, to enable them to get to school and keep them out of Colombia's armed conflict.
Street bikes from Mejor en Bici, Bogotá's best-known cycling advocacy organization.
Reading the book on bicycling, published by Bogotá's City Hall. 
Juan Camilo of Bicisi, which builds affordable custom-made bikes 'so that nobody has an excuse not to ride a bike.'
Several bamboo bike makers have sprouted in Bogotá over the last few years.
Clowning with colorful bikes at the Bici-Expo.
Santa, a circus bike rider, shows his stuff in the Parque Nacional. The banner announces a competition of 'ecological bicycles.' But aren't ALL bikes ecological?
The Bici-Expo was held at the Gran Estación shopping mall.

The Gran Estación lends out these bikes during La Ciclovia.
A happy cycling couple at the Bici-Expo.
Masked against pollution: Sadly, many Bogotá cyclists feel the need to protect themselves from the city's air.

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

1 comment:

  1. Question Number 13 to the mayoral candidates: Bicycles are presently approximately 6% of the daily trips made in Bogotá, what is your goal in the number of daily trips/modal share by bike in 2020?


    Please sign this petition if you want to the candidates to answer this and other 14 bicycle related questions:

