Friday, November 7, 2014

The FARC's Latest Lie

Worth murdering for? The polemical banner, featuring Alfonso Cano.
(Photo: Defensoria del Pueblo via Semana Magazine)
Just days after FARC negotiators in La Habana asserted that the guerrillas have "never perpetrated attacks against the civil population," the terrorist group exposed their own lie.

Recently, FARC guerrillas hung huge banners on indigenous territory commemorating the anniversary of the killing by military bombing of FARC leader Alfonso Cano. Unable to tolerate such disrespect, the FARC killed two indigenous men and attacked a third.

Fortunately, the NASA's indigenous guard was able to capture eight guerrillas, whom they will put on trial and then hand over to Colombian authorities for imprisonment.

Which makes one ask whether the government should even be speaking with murdering, lying, hypocrites like these. But, unfortunately, there's nobody else to speak to to end Colombia's conflict.

Update: The NASA 'court' (a public assembly of hundreds of people) sentenced two of the guerrillas to 40- and 60-year prison terms. Two of the guerrillas captured by the NASA were minors, and were sentenced to being whipped. The FARC issued a statement in which they seemed to blame the NASA for the murders for pursuing the guerrillas.

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

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