Sunday, April 26, 2015

The New Face of the Iglesia de Lourdes

A front view of Lourdes Church, with kids playing on the plaza.
The 240-year-old Iglesia Nuestra Señora de Lourdes, in the heart of the Chapinero District, was unveiled last month after some three years of renovation. The work on the striking gothic-style was not without controversy, however: the project was criticized for damaging parts of the church, including old stone slabs and installing a beam which altered the building's design. Even the church's priest, Adolfo Vera López, who directed the work, received criticisms for his lack of expertise in restorations.
Still, to my untrained eye, the building looks nice. And it was also nice to see it crowded with faithful this afternoon. 
The virgin. 
The church's interior, during mass.

Church doorways.

'Lourdes, Cultural Capital.'
Archbishop Vicente Arbelaez, who had the church built in 1875, hasn't been treated with great respect.
The tiny park behind the church has also seen better days.

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

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