Tuesday, May 16, 2017

A Frenchman's View of Old Colombia

A riverboat at a coffee plantation.
Bourgarel on horseback.
A lifelong diplomat, Ernest Bourgarel was France's consul general and chief minister in Colombia at the end of the 19th and in the early 20th century. Between 1890 and 1902, Bourgarel traveled widely across Colombia, particularly along the Magdalena River, documenting in his notebooks and with his camera a nation which was growing economically and developing its coffee industry - but also suffering from repeated civil wars.

Bourgarel's are some of the earliest documentary photographs of Colombia.

A selection of Bourgarel's photos and notes are on display this month in the Museum of Bogotá, in its new building on Calle 10 between carreras 3 and 4.

A cargo train.

La Candelaria Church in Medellin.

Working on the Panama Canal.

A steam train crosses a bridge.

Mules and men cross a wood plank bridge.
Bolivar street in Medellin.
The exhibition in the Museo de Bogota.
An old map of the Magdalena River.
Interior patio of the Museo de Bogotá.
Ernest Bourgarel, a self-portrait.
By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

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