Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Same-Sex Adoption: A Right for Kids or Couples?

'Your beliefs shouldn't affect my existence.''
Is adoption a right for all couples? Do children have a right to a father and a mother?

Pro same-sex adoption demonstrators on Plaza Bolivar today.
Supporters of same-sex adoption, such as those protesting today in Plaza Bolivar against a possible referendum to allow Colombians to vote on the issue, say that not permitting gay couples to adopt amounts to illegal discrimination. But proponents of the referendum, led by Liberal Party Senator Viviane Morales and supported by religious groups, say that children deserve to have a male and a female parent.

Studies, however, have shown that children raised by same-sex couples are just as healthy psychologically as those raised by heterosexual couples. And what seems starkly clear is that children raised by same-sex couples - or even by single parents - are much better off than those warehoused in Colombia's orphanages, where reportedly 7,000 children are waiting for loving parents (or a parent).

'Discriminatory referendum.'

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

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