Saturday, October 20, 2018

The Rolling Chimney Hack

If one day soon you see one of those ubiquous 'rolling chimneys' - buses, trucks or cars which belch out greasy smoke every time they move - sporting a sticker proudly announcing that it is a 'chimenea,' it's probably not because the driver is proud that he's poisoning us.

More likely, the vehicle is a victim of this blog's hacking campaign, which turns highly polluting vehicles into involuntary rolling billboards denouncing pollution.

A typical Bogotá Sitp bus on Carrera 10 this afternoon. 
An improved bus.
Did you notice it?
'I am a chimney'
Another rolling chimney on Carrera 10 today.
Now, helpfully labeled.
By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

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