Friday, June 1, 2012

A Hymnal in Las Nieves Church

During a bike tour this afternoon we stumbled upon this beautiful candle procession and hymn singing in the equally beautiful Las Nieves Church, on Ave. Septima and Calle 20.

 My photos, sadly, don't come close to capturing the beauty and melody of dozens of believers walking slowly down the church aisles carrying candles and singing hymns. I wish I'd been able to capture it in video, but hopefully next Friday. The event is called La Hora de la Misercordia (The Hour of Mercy, or Compassion) and takes place every Friday afternoon.

If you're nearby, just hope that the same brilliant singer who was performing today is there.

Christ crucified, on the wall. 

Las Nieves Church's interior. 

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours


  1. Hey dude, does your camera have a focus problem??

    Mauricio Forero.

  2. Yah, the Fuji has LOTS of problems. I'd like to exchange for a REAL camera, made by Canon or Nikon or even Sony.

  3. Go for the Nikon, they are more expensive but really good.


  4. Problem is that cameras are about 40% more expensive here than in the States. And then they get stolen.

