Saturday, December 22, 2012

Immigrant Art in La Candelaria

The Fundacion Gilberto Alzate Avendaño has this exhibit of works by immigrant artists in Colombia. I'm no great fan of modern art, but I found many of these works interesting. They made me think a bit. Others are just entertaining.

A double doll by Jan Bartelsman,
born in Holland in 1916.

Why don't today's modern artists make art the way they used to?

The artists in the exhibition include:

Nijole Sivickas, born in 1930 in Lithuania.
Jim Amaral, born in 1933 in the United States.
Arthur Tashko, born in 1901 in Albania.
Maria Thereza Negreiros, born in Brazil in 1930.
Jan Bartelsman, born in Holland in 1916.
Umberto Giangrandi, born in Italy in 1943.
Ned Truss, born in the United States in 1939.
Juan Antonio Roda, born in Spain in 1921.

A nice colorful painting by Arthur Tashko of Albania.

Armando Villegas, born in Peru in 1928.
Freda Sargent, born in England in 1928.
Ramon Barba, born in Spain in 1892.

Hand and breast merge in a work by Jim Amaral of the United States.

A dark and stormy night at sea, perhaps by Jan Bartelsman, from Holland.

A female doll in space Umberto Giangrandi, born in Italy in 1943.
By Italian Umberto Giangrandi.

'Homage to the Fallen Student,' by Umberto Giangrandi, born in Italy in 1943.

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours


  1. Dear Miguel, first of all, i believe that you are using the wrong term. Modern artist would indicate artist just like the ones you are showing in this post, for instance Picasso is consider to be a modern artist and he is, or rather he was way older than all these IMMIGRANTS artist. I thing that you have a profound apathy for CONTEMPORARY art and artist, but I also believe that if you could give it a try you would be surprised in how much contemporary art is, in many ways, richer; and as a matter of fact a kind of art that can make you think or force you to think. So please can you consider my suggestion and, take a look at some art books on the topic.

    Mauricio Forero.

    Feliz navidad Miguel.

  2. Hi Mauricio,

    Thanks for your commentary and feedback. i guess that I was thnking of modern, as in more recent, as opposed to renaissance art. Maybe I should have said 'relatively recent' art?

    Anyway, happy holidays to you, too.



  3. By te way Miguel, Is THINKING not THNKING...

    Laughing Out loud.

    Mauricio. :)

  4. Ha ha ha, I like how Mike's critiques of recent/modern art is a reocurring theme on this blog.

    Happy holidays Mike!

    - EP

  5. Thanks for your comment Elyssa. But I actually liked a lot of this exhibit.

    Happy Holidays.


  6. A dark and stormy night at sea. Most definitely by Jan Bartelsman. I have the sister study to this painting. Jan Battelsman was my uncle. Died in Cali, Colombia .
    His children, Pablo, Annemieke, Emilie and Gertjan.
