Wednesday, August 13, 2014

15 Years Without Jaime Garzón

A huge mural of Garzón along Calle 26, near where he was shot.
On August 13, 1999, comedian and journalist Jaime Garzon was driving to work near Corferias when he was gunned down. The case shocked Colombians, who had become immured to the assassination of politicians, but not of beloved comedians.

A portrait in flowers of Jaime Garzon in front of
Bogotá's Planetarium.
The apparent gunmen were caught. But, 15 years later, the investigation into who was behind it continues. Most suspect a conspiracy involving right-wing groups like the notorious paramilitaries. But a military general was arrested recently accused of having collaborated with the paramilitaries. During the 15 years since the assassination, seven people associated with the killing, including witnesses and investigators, have themselves been assassinated, according to El Tiempo.

Garzón also acted as a mediator between the government and guerrillas. His talents would be useful today, as the government and the FARC negotiate peace in Havana Cuba.
Jaime Garzon: 1960 to 1999.
By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

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