Thursday, August 14, 2014

A Legend's Son Picks up a Camera

An older indigenous woman and a girl in the Sierra de Santa Marta.
Fernando Cano's greatest claim to fame has to be his parentage: He's the son of famed Colombian newspaper editor Guillermo Cano, who was gunned down in La Candelaria in 1986 on orders of Pablo Escobar.

Rather than a typewriter, the younger Cano picked up a camera. His photos, of indigenous people, a homeless man and everyday scenes of humble people, are on display now in the Museo de Arte Moderno in Bogotá.

A Kogui indigenous man looks out a window in the Sierra de Santa Marta.
A homeless man who lived on Cano's street in Bogotá.

A girl in a kitchen in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.

Indigenous Kogui men meet with a mamu.

Ché Guevara?

Chicheria, Boyacá.
A miner in Boyacá.

A joropo dancer.

Wayúu fighters, La Guajira,
An indigenous woman walks on the beach.
By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

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