Monday, April 9, 2012

Day of the Victims

Women hold photos of victims of violence during today's march.
Today's March for the Victims memorialized a real variety of victims: of political violence, gender violence, violence against unionists and even a footballer murdered for a fumbled play. The remembrance was set on April 9, the anniversary of the 1948 assassination of populist politician Jorge Eliecer Gaitan.

Related posts: Gloria Gaitan: Carrying on Her Father's LegacyPainting the Poles on la Septima
A photo on a chair memorializes footballer Andres Escobar, a member of Colombia's national squad who was murdered after committing an own goal in a World Cup match. 
This man painted 'No more' on his chest. 
These senior marchers hailed from a community development organization in Puente Aranda, a poor est Bogotá neighborhood. 

Union marchers. 

'Love, Don't Kill', says this banner. 

An empty chair on Seventh Ave. represents a victim of violence. 

Recalling the M-19 Guerrilla group. Gustavo Petro, en ex-leader of the M-19 is now Bogotá's mayor.

Photographing an image of martyred populist politician Jorge Eliecer Gaitan. Gaitan was assassinated on April 9, 1948, the date selected to remember Colombia's victims of violence. 

'Population victim of violence.' 

'For women who have been violated and attacked.'
Hospital workers got involved.

By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

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