'Something is Happening Here.' Demonstrators call attention to stalled, rusting work on 26th Street and Ave. Septima. In the wake of recent rulilngs say that the project was acceptable, I had exoected work would restart on the bridge over this avenue. |
Despite Bogotá's and Colombia's strong economies, parts of the capital are crumbling and peeling.
Today I met members of an arts collective holding a ceremony to call people's attention to an unfinished bridge over Calle 26th, which they call a white elephant. (Neighbors objected to the plan to roof over 26th and expand the adjoining Parque de la Independencia.) With construction work stopped for more than a year, but project is crumbling even before it's finished. They also plan to demonstrate by a nearby drug-filled alley and at other social blights.
The theatre group calls itself Waja, a Wayuu word meaning 'our community.' Gustavo, an organizer, told me that their goal is to have people "ask what's going on." But I didn't see many people stop to ask anything. Find them at
Laboratorio Experimental de Performance.
Still unfinished, the work is already rusting and crumbling. |
What have you done to help me? asks a bench on the Parkway in Teusaquillo. |
Someone labeled these decaying park benchens on The Parkway in Teusaquillo.
'Ma acabaron.' (They finished me) |
'I'm in a critical state,' announces another bench on The Parkway. |
Students of the public National University have protested several times in recent weeks demanding more money to repair buildings. Someone also placed humorous protest signs around campus.
'Threat of ruins,' declares a sign on the National University's camppus. |
Students walk past the nursing building, which looks like it needs a doctor. |
'Tomorrow well-being will mean hardhats for everybody. Don't let the roof fall on you.' Recently, part of the law school's roof collapsed during heavy rains. |
'62 of the University City's 129 building's need work.' |
The law school, whose roof repotedly collapsed recently. |
Work going on on the enginering building. |
By Mike Ceaser, of
Bogotá Bike Tours
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