'Freedom Now! No more frame-ups!' Supporters of jailed FARC leader Jesús Santrich carry signs demanded his freedom. |
Members of the FARC's political party -
also known as the FARC - march thru downown. |
Surprise, surprise: this year's May Day paraders denounced Trump and called for Santrich's freedom. They were right on one count - Donald Trump has no place is decent society. But evidence against Santrich - a one-time FARC guerrilla leader who is now in prison on drug trafficking charges and may be extradited to the United States - looks quite strong. Perhaps the strongest evidence against Santrich is the fact that the Santos administration, which made the peace deal with the FARC the centerpiece of its reelection campaign - appears to agree that santrich is guilty - despite the huge embarrasment to the peace deal.
I was shaken - emotionally - by a group of mixed martial arts fighters, who labeled themselves anti-fascists, but appeared thoroughly fascist to me. When I took their photos - as I did of all the groups which passed me - they very obnoxiously stuck their own cameras into my face and took my photo, to attempto to intimidate.
Che Guevara: everpresent. |
A phalanx of police protects a government building. |
FARC supporters show off the flower symbol. |
Despite all the evidence, a faile dream never dies. |
¡Revolución ahora! |
These 'antifascist' marchers looked pretty fasist to me. |
A cause I can believe in: marijuana depenalization. |
An 'anti-fascist'demonstrator photographs me to intimidate me from photographing them. |
By Mike Ceaser, of
Bogotá Bike Tours
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