Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas at La Casa del Colibris

New soccer balls make happy boys! (And a happy mother.)

La Casa del Colibries, on Carrera 3 between Calles 10 and 11 in La Candelaria, supports some of the
True love!

many poor families who live in central Bogotá - in particular families who were displaced when the old Cartucho neighborhood was bulldozed to create the Tercer Milenio Park.

La Casa del Colibries, or 'House of the Hummingbird,' provides activities, education, meals and support for the children of these poor families, who live in neighborhoods including Belen, Los Martires, Santa Fe and La Candelaria.

The house survives on a shoestring and welcomes donations and volunteers.

Poor families wait outside the foundation's door for gifts.

Happiness is a new doll. 

Children with a laptop computer donated by Pam, a client of Bogotá Bike Tours, (which has also supported the foundation).
Celebrating the novena, a Colombian Christmas tradition.
Director Marcela on the right during the novena.

Families wait across the street for their chance at a gift. 

Children waiting outside for treats.
By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

1 comment:

Reserva De vuelos said...

Viajar abre un mundo de nuevas experiencias y perspectivas. Me encanta cómo este blog captura la esencia de cada destino con detalles tan vívidos. Los consejos para explorar lugares menos conocidos son invaluables para hacer que cualquier viaje sea único y memorable. Si planea explorar Colombia, tener la información de contacto correcta es fundamental. Por ejemplo, si necesitas asistencia con vuelos, conocer el teléfono Avianca Bogotá te puede ahorrar su tiempo y estrés, asegurando que sus planes de viaje se desarrollen sin problemas.