Relatives displace 'proof of life' photographs of their sons, brothers and husbands kidnapped by the FARC guerrillas. The FARC recently promised to give up kidnapping. |
The Claustro San Agustin has this haunting and horrifying exhibition, entitled '
Enough Already!' (
¡Basta Ya!), about the horrors of Colombia's more than half century of internal armed conflicts. A dead, nameless man, seemingly crucified on a pole; corpses laid out on the ground in front of grieving townspeople; funeral after funeral; torched homes; columns of guerrillas...Such scenes have been repeated innumerable times in Colombia's recent history.
A victim of fighting between police/military
and paramilitary militias in the
Communa 13 of Medellin, 2002. |
However, with the ongoing government-FARC negotiations in Havana, Cuba, that long nightmare may be near an end - or at least a new chapter. (The FARC added yet another episode yesterday by
firing a homemade mortar into a police-military base in the town of Inza, Cauca Department, killing five soldiers, a police officer and two civilians, and wounding dozens more people.)
But, even if a peace deal results, many of the forces which have caused Colombia's violence will remain: poverty, large ungoverned regions and huge sources of illicit money, mostly from the drug trade.
'They killed my wife.' |
Union Patriotica party members mourn assassinated presidential candidate Jaime Pardo Leal, on Plaza Bolívar in 1987. |
Five people were massacred by the military and rightist paramilitaries in 2005 in San Jose de Apartado. |
The ELN guerrillas staged their first attack in 1965, on the town of Simacota, Santander. |
Enough Already! |
Enough Already! |
In 2002, residents mourn some 119 civilians were killed when a home-made FARC mortar landed on the roof of the church, where townspeople had taken refuge during a battle between guerillas and paramilitaries. |
'El Cristo Campesino', 'The Campesino Christ', an emblematic photo of a victim of El Violencia,1946-53. |
Paramilitaies murdered 15 residents and burned their homes in El Aro, Antioquia, 1997. |
'A Thousand Proposals for No-Repetition.' |
FARC guerrilla leaders in Caguan, at the start of failed peace negotiations in El Caguan. |
Funeral of a city councilman murdered by the FARC in Huila, 2006. |
Leftist politician leader Jorge Eliecer Gaitan, who was shot on a central Bogotá street in 1948, triggering the Bogotazo riots. |
Arhuaco indigenous people contemplate the body of one of their people, apparently killed by right-wing paramilitaries (2004). |
In 1990, the M19 guerrillas demobilize, hand over their weapons and become a political party. (Bogotá's current mayor, Gustavo Petro, is an ex-M19 leader.) |
M19 guerrilla leaders sign a cease-fire agreement with the government in 1984. |
Fonseca guerrillas during a 1953 government amnesty. |
'You can be another victim of Sangre Negra (Black Blood) and his gang.' Sangre negra was a greatly feared bandolero or highway robber of the late 1950s and early '60s. |
By Mike Ceaser, of
Bogotá Bike Tours
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