Friday, November 22, 2013

The March for Peace and Everything Else

Peace demonstrators on Plaza Bolivar.
I saw only a small part of today's huge 'March for Peace and Democracy,' organized by Bogotá's City Hall, but enough to realize that it was the usual mix of unions, political groups and even entertainers.

In any case, it's no surprise to find the leftist mayor supporting the controversial peace negotiations between the FARC and Colombian government taking place now in Havana, Cuba. The guerrilla leaders want to go to Congress after any peace agreement is signed. But conservative critics, led by ex-Pres. Alvaro Uribe oppose the talks and say the guerrillas should instead go to prison for their many human rights violations.

Yesterda afternoon, Pres. Santos announced his intention to run for reelection next year, and the peace negotiations are sure to be a central issue of the campaign.

Mayor Petro and other M-19 Guerrilla leaders, of course, created the model which the FARC hope to follow. The guerrilla group demobilized in 1989 and turned into a political party, playing a prominent role in writing Colombia's new Constitution in 1991. Today, Petro is mayor of Bogotá and other ex-M-19 leaders are in Congress.
Giving the peace sign. 
Several marching bands set the beat.
Ex-Telecom employees joined the march. 
A stern policewoman protects - or protects us from - a marching band.
Displaying City Hall's slogan, Humane Bogotá.
'Deceit is also violence.' But who's deceit?
'We women are a generation of peace.' 'No more violence against women.'
By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

1 comment:

Stuart O. said...

Nuremburg with hangings of those found guilty for the lot. Justice for victims and criminals alike will ensure a true and lasting peace for all.